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Product Name: Zolpidem
Generic Name: Zolpidem
Common Brands: Ambien, Stilnox
Pharmaceutical Categories: Sleep Aid

Where to buy Zolpidem online:

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  • Zolpidem (trade names include Ambien, Stilnox, Zolfresh, Zolpidem Actavis, Ambien-CR, Atrimon, Zolpidem Arrow Generiques, Bikalm, Zolpidem Biogaran, Dormizol, Zolpidem EG, Edluar, Zolpidem Generics UK, Hypnogen, Zolpidem Hexal, Ivadal, Zolpidem Mepha, Ivedal, Zolpidem Mylan, Myslee, Zolpidem Ratiopharm, Sanval, Somidem, Somit, Somnil, Stilnoct, Zolpidem Sandoz, Stilnox-CR, Sublinox, Zodorm, Zolpidem Stada, Zolpidemtartraat, Zolpi-Lich, Zolpimist, Zolpidem Teva, Zolpinox, Zolsana) is a sedative and hypnotic medication, sleep aid pills from benzodiazepine related drugs pharmacological group. This medicine is used for the treatment of insomnia, dyssomnia, other sleeping problems and disorders. It works by affecting some chemicals in human brain that may become unbalanced and cause various sleep problems, such as insomnia, trouble falling asleep, waking up many times during the night, or waking up too early in the morning. Zolpidem has also some anticonvulsant and muscle relaxant properties.

    Ambien, Stilnox, Stilnoct (Zolpidem Tartrate) logo

    Customers also buy these medications from the same pharmacological classes:

  • Alprazolam (Xanax)
  • Apronal (Sedormid)
  • Butobarbital (Soneryl)
  • Chloral Hydrate (Chloraldurat)
  • Chloralodol (Mechloral)
  • Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)
  • Dexmedetomidine (Precedex)
  • Diazepam (Valium)
  • Eszopiclone (Lunesta)
  • Flunitrazepam (Rohypnol)
  • Lorazepam (Ativan)
  • Melatonin (Circadin)
  • Methylpentynol (Dormison)
  • Midazolam (Dormicum)
  • Modafinil (Provigil)
  • Niaprazine (Nopron)
  • Nitrazepam (Mogadon)
  • Pentobarbital (Nembutal)
  • Pyrithyldione (Presidon)
  • Ramelteon (Rozerem)
  • Tasimelteon (Hetlioz)
  • Temazepam (Restoril)
  • Zaleplon (Sonata)
  • Zopiclone (Imovane)

    Pharmaceutical and medical classifications:

  • Anticonvulsants
  • Anxiolytics
  • Central muscle relaxants
  • Hypnotics
  • Imidazopyridines
  • Muscle relaxants
  • No-go pills
  • Nonbenzodiazepine compounds
  • Recreational drugs
  • Sedatives
  • Sleep aid medications
  • Z-drugs

    The Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification system (developed by the World Health Organization):

  • N - Nervous system
  • N05 - Psycholeptics
  • N05C - Hypnotics and sedatives
  • N05CF - Benzodiazepine related drugs
  • N05CF02 - Zolpidem

    Medical conditions for zolpidem in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems:

  • Sleep disorders not due to a substance or known physiological condition - F51
  • Sleep disorders - G47
  • Insomnia - G47.0
  • Sleep disorder, unspecified - G47.9

    Pregnancy category:

  • B3 - Australia
  • C - United States (Risk cannot be ruled out)

    Forms of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs):

  • Zolpidem Base
  • Zolpidem Hemihydrate
  • Zolpidem Hemitartrate
  • Zolpidem Tartrate

    Chemical, international, and other names of this drug:

  • Bi-Tartarato de Zolpidem
  • Imidazo(1,2-a)pyridine-3-acetamide, N,N,6-trimethyl-2-(4-methylphenyl)
  • N,N,6-Trimethyl-2-(4-methylphenyl)imidazo(1,2-a)pyridine-3-acetamide
  • N,N,6-Trimethyl-2-p-tolylimidazo[1,2-a]pyridine-3-acetamide
  • Tartarato de Zolpidem
  • Tsolpideemi
  • Zolpidem Hydrogenotartras
  • Zolpidem Tartrat
  • Zolpidemi Tartras
  • Zolpidemtartaat
  • Zolpidemtartraat
  • Zolpidemtartrat
  • Zolpidemum

    Most known trade names (brands and generics) worldwide:

  • Adormix - Sanofi
  • Ambien - Sanofi
  • Ambien-CR - Sanofi
  • Apo-Zolpidem - Apotex
  • Atrimon - Nolver
  • Belbien - Hemofarm
  • Bikalm - Sanofi, Altana Pharma
  • Dalparan - Farma Lepori
  • Dormizol - Sanofi
  • Durnit - Sanofi
  • Edluar - Meda, Orexo
  • Hypnogen - Zentiva
  • Insodem - Garmisch Pharmaceutical
  • Inzofresh - Mankind Pharma
  • Ivadal - Sanofi, Grunenthal
  • Ivedal - Sanofi
  • Lioram - Schering-Plough
  • Myslee - Sanofi, Astellas Pharma
  • Nasen - Polfarmex
  • Nimadorm - Sandoz, DuraScan Medical Products
  • Nitrest - Sun Pharmaceutical Industries
  • Nytamel - Clonmel Healthcare
  • Sanval - Lek, Sandoz
  • Somidem - Alphapharm, CCM Duopharma BioTech
  • Somit - Gador
  • Somit-CR - Gador
  • Somnil - Tecnofarma
  • Somno - Saval Laboratorios
  • Somnogen - Mylan
  • Stildem - Arrow Pharmaceuticals, Aspen
  • Stilnoct - Sanofi
  • Stilnox - Sanofi
  • Stilnox-CR - Sanofi
  • Sublinox - Meda
  • Sucedal - Pharma Investi de Chile
  • Zimor - Legrand
  • Zodorm - Trima Pharmaceuticals, Unipharm
  • Zoldem - Anglo-French Drugs & Industries, Gerard Laboratories, Hexal, Lannacher Heilmittel, Medichem Pharmaceuticals, United Laboratories
  • Zolfresh - Abbott
  • Zolmia - Fahrenheit
  • Zolnod - Rowa Pharmaceuticals
  • Zolpic - Polpharma
  • Zolpidem - Actavis, Aurobindo Pharma, Biogaran, EG Labo, Generics UK, Hexal, Mepha, Mylan, Ratiopharm, Sandoz, Stada, Teva
  • Zolpidemtartraat - Ratiopharm
  • Zolpihexal - Hexal, Sandoz
  • Zolpi-Lich - Lichtenstein Pharmazeutica
  • Zolpimist - Amherst Pharmaceuticals, Arovella Therapeutics, Magna Pharmaceuticals, Stada
  • Zolpinox - Krewel Meuselbach
  • Zolsana - Synthon, KRKA
  • Zonoct - PharmaCoDane

    Other medicines used in combinations with zolpidem:

  • Melatonin

    References and external sources:

  • Zolpidem main article on Wikipedia:
  • Zolpidem compound on PubChem:
  • Zolpidem Tartrate compound on PubChem:
  • Zolpidem medicine on DrugBank:
  • Zolpidem Tartrate on DrugBank:
  • Zolpidem FAQ on MedlinePlus (revised 11/15/2019):
  • Medicines for sleep on MedlinePlus (revised 05/12/2022):
  • Ambien (Zolpidem Tartrate) 10 mg film-coated tablets drug label on DailyMed (revised November 11, 2022):
  • Ambien CR (Zolpidem Tartrate) coated tablets drug label on DailyMed (revised February 12, 2019):
  • Novel Zolpidem Tartrate tablets drug label on DailyMed (revised December 20, 2019):
  • Par Zolpidem Tartrate film-coated, extended-release tablets drug label on DailyMed (revised 05/2022):
  • Ambien (Zolpidem Tartrate) tablets for oral use official prescribing information and medication guide from the U.S. FDA (revised 02/2022):
  • Ambien CR (Zolpidem Tartrate) extended-release tablets for oral use official prescribing information and medication guide from the U.S. FDA (revised 02/2022):
  • Ambien (Zolpidem Tartrate) tablets prescribing information and medication guide from Sanofi pharmaceutical company (revised 02/2022):
  • Ambien CR (Zolpidem Tartrate) extended-release tablets prescribing information and medication guide from Sanofi (revised 02/2022):
  • Ambien and Ambien CR (Zolpidem Tartrate) tablets and extended-release tablets official website powered by Sanofi-Aventis U.S.:
  • Stilnoct (Zolpidem Tartrate) 6.25 mg and 12.5 mg prolonged release tablets prescribing information from Sanofi pharmaceutical company (revised February 2018):
  • Stilnox (Zolpidem Tartrate) 5 mg and 10 mg tablets product information from The Therapeutic Goods Administration (revised 03 January 2024):
  • Zolpimist (Zolpidem Tartrate) oral spray consumer medicine information from NPS MedicineWise (revised May 2022):
  • Zentiva Zolpidem Tartrate 5 mg and 10 mg tablets package information leaflet on (revised July 2021):

    Revised: February 2024

  • Disclaimer: Please note, this website is not an online pharmacy, drugstore and related online pharma shop. It does not sell, supply or advertise any prescription and OTC drugs, medications, other goods and services. All reviews, links, lists, databases, texts, videos, images, and other content on the website are provided free and only for informational and educational purposes. Medical content on this website, including drug names, indications, contraindication, side effects, categories, classifications, forms, doses, prices, other health and pharmaceutical information are taken only from trusted and authoritative professional sources (see "References"), reviewed and prepared by our licensed experts, content inspectors and editors.
    You should always consult your doctor or other healthcare professional before using any medication. This website, our staff and support do not provide own medical instructions and advices.
    All brands and trade names appearing on the website are registered trademarks and intellectual property of their respective companies.
    Remember that buying drugs and medicines online is a responsibility only of customers, sellers and suppliers regarding existing legislation in their jurisdictions.

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